Belly Sesame – Graphic Minimalism for Babies

I find that, especially for little boys, shirts and onesies with slogans are the norm: ‘Daddy’s Boy’, ‘I Love My Mom’ etc.  While cute, it’s also a little tiring.  I’ve always been a graphic print type of person, and fell in love with these tops and onesies from Belly Sesame.  They come from husband & wife duo Alex & Kaori Walter who hail from Germany and Japan and now call LA home.  Very minimalist cool…


Flying with Kids

baby in plane

Those of you who read my other blog, Roasted, know that I’ve done more than my fair share of flying with baby.  As I live across the country from my parents, we will continue to fly, no matter how difficult and annoying it is.  I loved these tips from SimplyStylishMom where she bundles up toys with lots of tape and wrapping, and then gives them something new every half hour or so.  Genius!  Works just as well for plane rides too.


ps You are not seeing double – SimplyStylishMom and I have the same theme for our blog 🙂

Baby Books by Orla Kiely






When I had my baby, I wanted to keep purchasing the things I loved and not lose my identity in too much of that cutesy baby stuff.  I have always been a fan of Orla Kiely, and was delighted to find her baby books. We have the orange Numbers book, and I read it multiple times everyday.  It’s high quality, and baby so far hasn’t been able to chew it or destroy it.  I love to look at her patterns – I think they are just so simple but beautiful!  I got mine from Raspberry Kids – a Canadian website out of Vancouver.