Wear the Trend: Lace

Forever 21 Lace


Lace 2


Lace 3


Lace 4


Lace 5


I’m loving the recent lace trend!  I was wondering how I could incorporate lace practically into the realities of my life (food smeared on it, crawling around on the floor with baby, easy wash) when I stumbled upon these picks from Forever 21 – all under $30.  I already own the tank top (third down) and I just know that first lace top will be way too short on me (I’m 5’7″) but perhaps those shorts?  And I love the fact that they are shown on pale legs!  And, depressingly, I may also want one of those sweaters with our crazy weather around here in Montreal – short sleeves one day and snow the next….

City Prints by Ingela P Arrhenius

Ingela P Arrhenius Ingela P Arrhenius Ingela P Arrhenius Ingela P Arrhenius Ingela P Arrhenius Ingela P Arrhenius

I love these city prints by Ingela P Arrhenius.  They are from Lagom and are super affordable at just GBP 15 (CDN 23) each.  I’ve been lucky enough to visit all of these cities but Moscow, which has always been on my list, but I’ve just never seemed to actually get there (same for St. Petersburg).  I’m partial to the London and Stockholm prints myself – what about you guys?

Try the Trend: Cut Out

Oasis Cut Out 2


FC Cut Outvia



I’ve been noticing cut outs for a while.  First, I thought – OMG horrific.  Then I thought, it’s too young for me and then finally – perhaps I could pull this off. Is this the normal anatomy of a trend?  I’m still not sure I’ll buy into it, but there are definitely some more tasteful pieces out there, and I’ve seen it pulled off in a very classy way.


Hats inspired by Downton Abbey

Donwton Abbey Hats

The ladies of Downton

Asos Straw Boater


Asos Straw Trilby






Nordstrom 2


I was recently in Anthropologie and tried on a hat that looked very Downton Abbey.  I’m not really surprised… I think that show will probably start inspiring all sorts of trends.  I considered the hat for a moment, but wasn’t sure if I’d get enough use out of it for the price tag.  But, as summer is coming up I think it might be a sensible thing to buy.  But what about until the summer really kicks in?  Perhaps a felted hat?

Would you wear one of these hats?

Try the Trend: Bright Lips

Source: google.com via Feven on Pinterest

How do you guys feel about the new bright lip trend?  After years of sheer gloss, I think it will push me out of my comfort zone, but it seems like an easy way to update my look.  Can’t wait to hear what my husband thinks….

Modern Notebooks – Present & Correct

Present & Correct Present & Correct Present & Correct


I used to work in a cube.  Paper products were whatever the ‘person in charge of supplies’ ordered for us. Now, I work from home and can choose whatever I want for my paper.  I don’t need much for paper supplies, so perhaps a splurge at Present & Correct for these little numbers is in my future.  Yes, I definitely think it would make me more productive!